Senior | Madison

Wednesday, March 30, 2016
I recently had the opportunity to work with Madison, who is graduating high school this year!  Oh, such a sweet girl!  I can not say enough nice things about her.  She has such a kind & caring demeanor.  I know she will go far in life!  We took her pictures on her boyfriend's families land.  Oh my goodness, it was so gorgeous!  You know we had to sneak him into a few pictures as well!  Here is a sneak peak of her session :)

AHH, that evening sun light!


Engagement | Tony & Destinee

Friday, March 4, 2016
I was introduced to Destinee through a mutual friend (thanks, Megan!).  She messaged me about doing her & her fiance's engagement pictures.  Ah, engagement pictures!  What's not to love!?  Such a joyous & fun time for the couple!  I can not be more thrilled with the colors she chose from the two of them to wear.  Let's face it, 99% of the time, the woman is the one picking out everyone's clothes!

Destinee told me that Tony loves golf, so I knew I had to incorporate that into the session somehow!  I don't know anything about gold, but I told him to bring a few items.  I had a ring shot in my mind, & I am so happy to see it come alive!  What's even better than that?  While we were setting this shot up, Tony said, "yes!  I was looking forward to this part!"  It's always so nice to see the guy get excited during a session!  I absolutely love how it turned out!

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