word of the year

Sunday, January 8, 2017
A few days late into the year for this post but better late than never!  For 2016, I chose "live" for my word of the year.  I feel like I truly took that word to heart too!  I enjoyed the warm sun in the Dominican, went to Atlanta with friends, spent a girls weekend in Savannah, paid off my car (that deserves a celebration in itself, right!?), enjoyed a night in Tennessee, spent plenty of warm Summer days at the lake, had more photo shoots than I could count... I mean, I could really go on!  I honestly got so busy living that I haven't published numerous blog posts of sessions!  Whoops!  Even though I truly am such a homebody, I took advantage of every opportunity that I possibly could.  God gives us this one life, so why not?

In January 2016, I sat & wrote down some of my personal & photography goals I wanted to accomplish for the year.  One of my photography goals were to shoot at least three weddings.  I actually surpassed that by doubling the number to six weddings!  Weddings can be stressful (for everyone), but I love photographing them!  Each one is always completely different from the next, which means I get to use my creativity differently each time.  So far for 2017, I already have four booked!  Eeeek!

After spending some time thinking of what my word could be for 2017, I kept coming back to the word embrace.  I feel as if it is similar to live, but yet it is so much more than living.  It's digging deep into every adventure, opportunity, moment, & chance that God gives us.  It's holding onto something tight & savoring every second.  Even if it is sitting on the couch embracing the last few months with just our pup before a baby makes her appearance into this world.

Here's to a new year with new adventures!  Happy 2017, everyone! :)

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